Bootcamp Basics 13

This workout is structured to give you a dynamic warm up, two circuits that hit upper body, lower body and core and a stretching cool down. The boot camp style is designed to be done with minimal or no equipment. Warm Up – Perform each exercise for 30 seconds Ice Skaters Mountain Climbers High Knees […]

Bootcamp Basics 12

This workout is structured to give you a dynamic warm up, two circuits that hit upper body, lower body and core and a stretching cool down. The boot camp style is designed to be done with minimal or no equipment. Warm Up – Perform each exercise for 30 seconds Burpees Runner’s Lunge Basketball Shot Butt […]

Bootcamp Basics 11

This workout is structured to give you a dynamic warm up, two circuits that hit upper body, lower body and core and a stretching cool down. The boot camp style is designed to be done with minimal or no equipment. Warm Up – Perform each exercise for 30 seconds Jumping Jacks Arm Circles Lunge Hops […]

Bootcamp Basics 10

This workout is structured to give you a dynamic warm up, two circuits that hit upper body, lower body and core and a stretching cool down. The boot camp style is designed to be done with minimal or no equipment. Warm Up – Perform each exercise for 30 seconds Walking Hip Swings Squat Jumps Jump […]

Bootcamp Basics 9

This workout is structured to give you a dynamic warm up, two circuits that hit upper body, lower body and core and a stretching cool down. The boot camp style is designed to be done with minimal or no equipment. Warm Up – Perform each exercise for 30 seconds Heismans Twisting Mountain Climbers Side Shuffles […]

Bootcamp Basics 8

This workout is structured to give you a dynamic warm up, two circuits that hit upper body, lower body and core and a stretching cool down. The boot camp style is designed to be done with minimal or no equipment. Warm Up – Perform each exercise for 30 seconds High Knees Butt Kicks Shoulder Rolls […]

Bootcamp Basics 7

This workout is structured to give you a dynamic warm up, two circuits that hit upper body, lower body and core and a stretching cool down. The boot camp style is designed to be done with minimal or no equipment. Warm Up – Perform each exercise for 30 seconds Jumping Jacks Arm Circles Basketball Shot […]

Bootcamp Basics 6

This workout is structured to give you a dynamic warm up, two circuits that hit upper body, lower body and core and a stretching cool down. The boot camp style is designed to be done with minimal or no equipment. Warm Up – Perform each exercise for 30 seconds Jump Ropes Tuck Jumps Ali Shuffle […]

Bootcamp Basics 5

This workout is structured to give you a dynamic warm up, two circuits that hit upper body, lower body and core and a stretching cool down. The boot camp style is designed to be done with minimal or no equipment. Warm Up – Perform each exercise for 30 seconds Heismans Star Jumps Toe Taps Ice […]

Bootcamp Basics 4

This workout is structured to give you a dynamic warm up, two circuits that hit upper body, lower body and core and a stretching cool down. The boot camp style is designed to be done with minimal or no equipment. Warm Up – Perform each exercise for 30 seconds Tuck Jumps Top Taps Lunge Hops […]

Bootcamp Basics 3

This workout is structured to give you a dynamic warm up, two circuits that hit upper body, lower body and core and a stretching cool down. The boot camp style is designed to be done with minimal or no equipment. Warm Up – Perform each exercise for 30 seconds Tuck Jumps Top Taps Lunge Hops […]

Bootcamp Basics 2

This workout is structured to give you a dynamic warm up, two circuits that hit upper body, lower body and core and a stretching cool down. The boot camp style is designed to be done with minimal or no equipment. Warm Up- Perform each exercise for 30 seconds Jumping Jacks Leg Swings Shoulder Rolls Ice […]

Bootcamp Basics 1

This workout is structured to give you a dynamic warm up, two circuits that hit upper body, lower body and core and a stretching cool down. The boot camp style is designed to be done with minimal or no equipment. Warm Up- Perform each exercise for 30 seconds Toe Touches Arm Circles High Knees Basketball […]