Star Jumps

Dynamic warm up and cardio exercise that engages the whole body and increases heart rate. source


Targets the glutei, hamstrings and quads. source

Squat Thrust

Dynamic warm up that increases heart rate and works the full body, engaging the shoulders, core, glutei and leg muscles. source

Squat Kickback

Dynamic warm-up that targets the glutei, hamstrings and quads. source

Squat Jumps

Full body exercise that gets your heart rate up and specifically targets the lower body muscles. source

Squat Hops

Dynamic warm up that gets your heart rate up and targets your whole body, especially your glutei, hamstrings, calves and quads. source

Spinal Twist

Stretches the back muscles and glutei, and can strengthen abdominal muscles. source


Targets the chest, arms and shoulders and engages the core, glutei and legs. source

Spiderman Pushup

Targets the chest, arms and shoulders as well as engages the core. source


Improves balance and core strength and targets the hip adductors and hamstrings. source

Single Leg Lift

Primarily targets the core including the rectus abdominis and obliques, as well as the lower back and hip flexors. source

Single Leg Deadlift

Improves balance and stability and targets the back, core and leg muscles. source

Side Shuffle Touch

Dynamic warm up that gets the heart rate up and works the whole body. source

Side Plank

Engages the shoulders, core, obliques and hips. source

Side Lunge

Targets the glutei, quads and hamstrings and engages the core. source

Mindful Monday Week 28: Everyday Tips for Sustaining Practice

We have reached the end of the Mindful Way Workbook. We have learned to recognize aversion, allow things to be and acknowledge our uncomfortable emotions before letting them pass, see thoughts as thoughts and not truth, and that changing what we do can change how we feel. Furthermore, that certain activities nourish us while others […]

Side Lunge Touch

Targets your inner and outer thighs and glutei, as well as your core and obliques. source

Side Leg Lifts

Engage the core and obliques and tone the inner thighs and glutei. source

Shoulder Taps

Strengthens the shoulders and core, and engages the glutei and hamstrings. source

Shoulder Rolls

Dynamic stretch to warm up shoulder and upper back before a work out. source

Seated Side Stretch

Stretches the side body, intercostal muscles and spine, as well as the hips. source