Wall Sit Rotation
Engages the abs, obliques, glutei, hamstrings and quads. source
Wall Sit Kicks
Engages the glutei, hamstrings, quads and core. source
Wall Arm Stretch
Stretches the shoulder, upper back and arm muscles, also rotates the spine. source
Walking Lunge
Improves balance and coordination, and engages the quads, hamstrings, glutei and calves. source
Walking Hip Swings
Dynamic warm up and stretch to loosen up the hip flexors. source
Vinyasa Flow
Dynamic stretch to warm up the body and engage the core and muscles. source
Improves coordination, balance and stability and engages the abs, obliques and hip flexors. source
V-Sit Hold
Engages the abs, obliques and hip flexors and improves balance and stability. source
Utthita Hasta
Pose that improves balance, engages the core and strengthens the back and thigh muscles. source
Upward Salute to Swan Dive
Stretches the spine, neck, hamstrings and hips. source
Upright Row
Engages the deltoids, trapezius, rhomboids and biceps. source
Twisting Mountain Climbers
Engages the abs, obliques, shoulders, arms and quads. source
Tuck Jumps
Full body workout that increases the heart rate and improves balance and coordination. source
Triceps Extension
Primarily engages the triceps. source
Triceps Dip
Engages the shoulders, pectorals and triceps. source
Triceps Push-Up
Engages the shoulders, pectorals and triceps, as well as the core and glutei. source
Triceps Kickbacks
Using dumb bells to target your all triceps. source
Triangle Crunch
Improves balance and flexibility and targets the abs and obliques. source
Toe Touches
Engages the core, particularly the rectus abdominis and obliques. source
Toe Touch Kicks
Dynamic warm up that targets the full body, particularly the core. source
Toe Taps
Dynamic warm up that increases your heart rate and warms up your full body. source
Three Legged Dog Hold
Engages your arms, shoulders, core and thighs. source
Engages the shoulder, arm, core and oblique muscles. source
Tabletop Hold
Engages the shoulders, arms, core, glutei and thighs. source
Targets the shoulders, upper back and arms, as well as the core, thighs and glutei. source
Targets the back muscles, shoulders, glutei, and thighs, and improves coordination. source
Dynamic exercise that engages the core and upper back, and targets the glutei, calves, hamstrings and quads. source
Targets the back, glutei, thigh and shoulder muscles. source
Sumo Squat
Engages the core, glutei, hamstrings and quads. source
Sumo Squat Side Bend
Engages the core, obliques, glutei, quads and hamstrings. source